Saturday, March 28, 2015

Killpack Maternity

I've known Spencer a long time. I think that he found his perfect match in Kirsti and I just know they will be wonderful parents! They were gracious enough to let me do their maternity photos and I am so happy to be able to help preserve these happy memories!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Trace Turns 1

This little cousin of ours turned 1! I don't quite know where the time has gone!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


I had an opportunity to go to Seattle for work, it was my first time being there!! It was fantastic and we did a little bit of sight seeing and a mini photo shoot. I had heard about a "gum wall" at Pikes Place Market, and I just knew I had to get pictures with that as a background! I couldn't get a lot of shots, because it was busy and I didn't want to hog the place. Sometime I will go back and do more and have some fun with it when no one else is around.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

My boy

He's not the easiest to photograph, but I sure love how cute he is!

Missionary Homecoming

This missionary was in Brazil for the last two years. His family was so excited to be reunited. I really wanted to take the opportunity for some candid and real shots, as well as some posed.